Tuesday, November 15, 2005

For the past 2 decades, Madonna has been changing the landscape of Pop Music. And she has reinvented herself successfully time and over again.
✧Like a Virgin ✧ Material Girl ✧ Sex Symbol ✧ Cone Bras ✧ Sadomasochist ✧ Evita ✧ Mother ✧ Cowgirl ✧ Author ✧ Military Woman ✧ Queen of Dance Music

This is my first Madonna CD and it contains most of Madonna’s hit singles before 1990.
I must say this is one of the better Best-of Albums there is in the market. And you can actually hear the album as an album. Most singers nowadays churn out Best of Albums without even a bit of seriousness. A hit from here, another from there… Viola! My Best Of… -yucks-

“This is Madonna’s most honest and personal album,” says Tawfiq. And I agree with him.
Correct me if you disagree. But I think it’s only with this album that Madonna starts to make an album, instead of recording a collection of good songs and putting them into one CD.
And this album also starts Madonna into her doing her own stuff. Madonna to create Pop. Not Pop to define Madonna.

This album is quite clearly one of her best. With the Awards and Sales Record as proof.
But what really made this album unique is that Madonna found a new sound. And the musical vision is so well depicted with the supporting Videos and Album Artwork and Album Packaging.
In this album,
There is a sense of coldness.
A sense of cruelty.
A bit of Pain.
But a sense of familiarity.
A sense of Hope.
A Ray of Light.

I haven’t read a bad review. So get yours soon. Or borrow from me. Heh.
Labels: Music