Sunday, February 26, 2006


Thailand Holiday

Finally. I plugged my ibook to the internet and loaded some of my Thailand pictures into my blog. hee.
The Thailand trip really pulled me out of my comfort zone and made me see the world with a different eye.
But I wasn't alone there.
I had Kaiqian (Although we have nothing in common. He loves food and soccer. I love films and travel. But I'm glad we were in the attachment together.) and (even more) Tawfiq (There is a new way of learning that I picked up from him. People from the Singapore educational system have a habit of learning things the half fuck way. I kinda don't want to be that guy anymore. Thanx to Tawfiq).
Of course, I had family and friends who gave me great support all the way from Singapore.

But this entry isn't about my work or whatever else. It's about my holiday trip after my attachment. hee!

My first part was shopping with Peishan, Xiushan and Yi Long. The girls shopped like mad! And we didn't have time to take photos :p
But we had fun! Me letting some guy selling skirt kiss me for the sake of 20 baht (You two owe me! -- 20 baht only no worries! hee..)
There were times when we were angry with each other. But how I see it is that our friendship has gone to the other stage. We travel together liao. yeah!

Then after the girls went back.. with a box full of goodies (and xiushan wrote 'fragile' on all 6 sides of the box. haha).. my beach buddies flew over to go Samui with me.
The bus journey was bad. The boat was worse. I can't imagine going to Samui alone when you guys fly over. Thanx for enduring the looooong journey with me.
vicky, jayna, gareth and adrian
jayna's photoshoot for me (compare with gage's photoshoot for jayna. You'll be able to see who is more pro kekekeke)
There was no sun when we reached. So we had a cold gloomy beach. But I had fun! I tell ya.. it's the company!
me, adrian, jayna, vicky, yi long and gareth at the back
We had brought an underwater camera. But since the sea was too choppy, we had to take pictures in our hotel pool. IT WAS FREEZING COLD. I felt like those America Next Top Model. Our underwater photoshoot was fun :p
the loving couple. pukey!
gage pool
Look at vicky's expression. Damn you! haha

Jayna's photoshoot
Since Jayna was there with us, we had to drink :p And since I was there, the right thing to do was Indian Poker. But damn everyone! I was everyone's target.
So, I got.....
my puking prep thanx to jayna's experience

Adrian has a bad back (thanx to commandos! pui!) but still he endured the long painful journey to boogie with us.
We had to rest at Mac because his back started to hurt. But we found a 'out of order' sign on some faulty table in Mac. Look at the picture. haha. Adrian! such a great sport :p

We tried insects too. keke. Everyone had at least one. The rest were eaten up my Yi Long and Jayna.

The sun decided to greet us eventually - On the day we were leaving. grrr.....

Samui was fun. But I don't think I'll go back. More beaches for me to conquer!

After Samui, I had a day trip to Ayuttaya
I really like this picture. But something went wrong with the lighting. And I didn't realise when I was still in Ayuttaya :(
It was the capital before Bangkok. And quite strangely, the ruins are beautiful. But a day was all I needed. One more day will be boring.

My last stop was Chiang Mai. We had spent a whole day driving up Doi Intanont (Highest mountain in Thailand)
cold up there!
A temple on the highest point. Don't it feel like heaven?
Along the way down, we went to several waterfalls. They are all beautiful. Tawfiq says that those streams will flow to Bangkok. And he wonders if he drops a drop water into the stream there, what journey would the droplet go through. hmm..

Throughout the whole trip, we were talking about flare shots. They are pictures with rays coming from the back of the object or person(s). I practised the whole trip but the nicest shot is still from Tawfiq.
even I like myself in this shot
this is my shot

I like this shot. And if you ask me to explain this shot, I'll say, "Even superman has to be humble sometimes."

And this is what travelling to do you. The more you see, the more you want to see, the smaller you feel.

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haha seeing all these pix mkes everything worthwhile..
i've waited to see these pix for a long long time...
After all the blogs and interacting, Jiahui I am beginning to fall in love with you. Kidding. But you just make me laugh sometimes.

I am always grateful that Gage has such wonderful friends. Thank guys!

And praise the Lord again for Tawfiq. Thanks for pushing Gage to the edge.

Most of all I am just so happy that my brother turn out to be such a fine young man. Ya take the route less travelled. There will be pain, there will be anguish but I think you will not regret it.
God-that sounds like such a blast!
I luv 2 travel-howeer, I just don't ever get 2 do it anymore! :"(
Luv all of u'r pictures-they r great!
Haha.. totally agreed with you my friend. Hope to travel more soon.
Perhaps the only other time would be a grad trip.

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