Monday, October 15, 2007


Fast Cars

I was thinking of the many people who tried to date me before.
And the equal number of failures that resulted.

In all my dating games,
I was walking on the pathway.
And my dates drive along and slow down beside me.

They will all pop their car boot and yell

"No! You stop the car!" I would reply.

No one ever stopped.
They just drove beside me slowly egging me on to jump.
Some drove away very soon.
Some stayed longer.

We all use different things to measure love.
Some use the number of "I Love You's"
Some use the number of text messages.
Some use the fact that they have a 'love' puppy together.
I realised use the time one drives beside me.

My point is that I may one day find someone that will make me want to jump.
Or I may find one who will stop and wait by my side.
It doesn't matter.
We often look externally for why our love didn't work out.

Maybe the day we take full responsibility for our bad lucks, is the day we will get lucky and find our perfect driver.


the art of taking full responsibility of my bad lucks...sadly...I have yet to master that...

and I don't believe in that the perfect driver ever existed in the first place...

too much fairy tales install since childhood...too much 'happily ever after'...
Guess it is quite difficult to reach someone...for a Nice Simple driver can't fetch a complicated pedestrian. The car may have stopped many times but the pedestrian still wondering!...the story goes on...
Shoot! That sounds like me. Sigh...Shen Yi Dong!!! When will we be seeing you?? I miss those wise wise advice from you. Seriously!! Dun fly away anymore? Plzzz!!!
strikes a chord.

I've had people hop from car to car looking for the perfect driver, while I try to keep up with their pace. In the end they end up bitter and jaded wondering what went wrong.
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