Saturday, October 13, 2007



From inside when our car took ferry to Sweden
It's really quite fun. And it has a cafe, a restaurant, a gift shop and an arcade inside.

Where I worked for 2 weeks

Old City, Stockholm

Bridge that links Stockholm City to Old Town

Stockholm City

Then I started my holidays..


St Paul's

Christian and me at Oktoberfest

Fun fair at Oktoberfest

drink beer!

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you sure you didnt share that jug of beer? Or that you're already tipsy when this pic is taken?! haha...
give me some credit..

I'm your friend.
Even if I'm only 1% like you, it will still mean that I can take 3 beers..

..Miss Karen

i must say,
u look damn hot in the leather jacket & sunglasses!
wear it more often ya? even in sg.
u'll definitely look even hotter!!
heh heh hehh....

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