Friday, December 21, 2007


You Have to Understand

That friends always leave when they have a love interest.

We all promise that friends are for ever.
Lovers come and go.

We all say how glad we are to have friends.
When that special someone makes us cry.

We all swear at one point to never love again.
Love is just not for me.

But we all secretly leave the top spot aside.
For that special one.

And as soon as that someone appears.
We come up with all sorts of excuses to show how we have not left our friends.

You have to understand that friends leave.
And you have to learn to only want the best for your friends.
Even when they leave you.

That's how things are.
Someday, you will leave too.
You have to understand.

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i hope u are not talking about me.. grrr... *hiss like a cat*
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